Your Ideal Sales Week

As a sales coach I have been know to read the material produced by other coaches.

A guy that is credited by many as being the founder of the coach industry in the USA is Thomas Leonard.

One of the programs that Thomas created was called “A Perfect Life”

Now, lets not get into the debate about whether perfect is possible.
That wasn’t what Thomas meant anyway.
The idea is you need to sit down and think about your ideal life and then work towards creating it.

During the process you may also notice some of the things that are already perfect and be grateful for them.

Now creating a perfect ife is quite a daunting task.

But, what about a perfect week ?

What would your perfect week in sales be like ?

  • What would be there ?
  • What would be absent ?
  • How would you feel ?

Above is one example of a planned sales week. In this example the sales person has chosen to have three days making calls with Monday and Friday being focused on setting up for the current and coming weeks. Monday is reserved primarily for prospecting and Friday is reserved for planning, administration, research, and catch up, as well as some sales management support

And below is another example. In this example the sales person has chosen to have mornings in the office and afternoons in the marketplace.

If you need help creating your perfect sales week I would love to assist with some sales coaching

Meanwhile, the following post gives 8 steps to building an ideal sales week.
8 Steps to Building a Model Sales Week