Informative presentation; please leave us your business card

by Ron
(Las Vegas, NV, USA)

Your prospects say this; 'Well that was a very informative presentation. Thanks for your time. Can we keep this information? Please leave us with one of your business cards.'"

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Feb 10, 2020

by: Greg

Hi Ron,

I'd really like some more detail to be able to comment effectively.

I do know that many salespeople are very keen to get to their Presentation.
I'm not so sure buyers are so keen to watch a presentation?

I wasn't one for giving presentations.

I much preferred to sit down, build some rapport, find out about the challenges they were having in their business and then discuss some possible products I had in my portfolio that might help.
And while I was building rapport and finding out about their business I'd be doing my best to understand them, their motivations and how they decide on a purchase.
In thinking about that comment it relates more to when I was introducing a new type of product.

When I was selling against an incumbent product I'd still build the rapport and then confirm my understanding of the product they were using. Then I'd ask questions along the lines of ...
"What's important to you about product X?"
"What are you after in a product that does Y?"
"What's important to you about a supplier of X"

I'd never ask about what's wrong with the product they were using as that would indicate they had made an error in purchasing it.
Maybe I'd ask how highly they rated the product and the supplier on a scale from 1 - 10 and then follow up with a question like ...
"What would it take for the product to be a 10?"
"What would it take for the supplier to be a 10?"

That way I'd know how their existing product fell short and if my product was better in those areas that would be where I'd focus our discussion, using the language suited to how they were motivated and made decisions.

Hope that helps, Ron

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