Customer Doesn't Order Enough

by naresh

My worst objection is that my suggested order quantity which I believe enough for one week (usually we make an order for a week) I'm not getting.
Typically, the customer orders less which is inefficient.
How can I fix it. Please advise me.

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Mar 16, 2020
Your Sales Job is Incomplete
by: Greg

Hi Naresh,

firstly, look on the positive side. You've got an ORDER!

I'm reminded of the words of Fedex's founder Fred Smith. He had massive amounts of capital employed when the company started. Planes can be expensive and he had staff around the country. And on the first day of business, they only delivered about 5 parcels. People were panicking but he said, "Great we've successfully delivered 5 packages, now we just need to enhance the numbers"

And that's what you need to do, "enhance the numbers".

I am presuming you are talking to these customers when they place their order.
I can imagine if they order less than a weeks supply it means reordering again rather quickly to maintain supply.
While that may not worry them initially I'd be pointing out to them that they are busy people and their time is precious. Why take up their time reordering again so soon.
Does your product have to be delivered? Is there a delivery cost?
Wouldn't it be cheaper for the buyer to order a bigger quantity to reduce the shipping component of their price?

Naresh, there's a strong inclination when you are in sales when you get an order to just accept the order. You feel relief. But often the job is not yet finished.

I can remember once getting an order for about 15 tonnes of a new product I was selling. An order worth $75,000. But I suggested to the manufacturer buying so much after only lab testing and without a factory trial might be a bit rash. I suggested he buy 1 tonne and do a full factory trial first. I was, of course, happy to hold his order and price while the tests were being done. Many would suggest I didn't do the right thing. But why would I create an issue for my client? Imagine if there were problems in the factory. The client would want to return 14 tonnes and that would create a major problem for me too as our products were imported and not easy to return.

So, have the hard discussion. Don't take the order and run.

Hope this helps, Greg

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