SPIN Selling No Good for ME

by Mick

I couldn't get into SPIN Selling at all.
I sell in the retail industry and how am I supposed to do background work on my prospects before they come into the shop ?
I don't have time to delve too much into Implications, people don't stay that long.
Sorry, SPIN should stay on the cricket pitch or the tennis court and stay out of sales

Hi Mick,
from my understanding SPIN Selling was devised for big ticket type sales, normally business to business.

The idea is that buyers and senior people in companies are under time pressure and feel you are wasting their time if you are in front of them information gathering.

This would apply less to a retail buyer.

I would think you have to get pretty quickly into what are they after and why. Leading into finding their DBM (= Dominant Buying Motive)and focusing your questions on that.

And in doing this make sure you gain some sales rapport

Hope this helps, Greg

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Jul 01, 2010
SPIN isn't limited to the large sale
by: Anonymous

While it works best in the large sale, you can use SPIN in any situation that requires persuasion.

Any type of sales situation is going to involve 'some' sort of info gathering. SPIN is just a more effective way to take care of that step...

If anything, when used in a retail setting, still use the SPIN format, just don't take as long doing it:

-Selling a digital camera

S-When do you use your camera the most?

a: Every time we go on vacation.

P-What are some issues that you've had with your previous camera?

a: I hate having to develop film. It's also expensive. Oh, and one vacation, the film was ruined, so we lost all of our pictures.

I-What would be the effect if that were to happen again in your next vacation?

a: Gives you the benefits. :D

N-So, if there was a way to prevent that from happening, how do you think it would help you?

And so forth...

Now just take those benefits and tie them to the features in your camera and you're done. The book has a great way to display features/benefits, etc.

Sorge Menendez www.abundancementality.com

May 16, 2010
SPIN applied to retail
by: Anonymous

It really depends on what you are selling and whether it is consultative or not. For example if I were in need of a good pair of sneakers and went to a local store....i can see a strong application. Situation questions around whether i need them for running...aerobics....walking etc. what am I wearing now....do I have any problems with my exisiting pair, blisters, stress fracures etc. implications....can't run, no exercise, get fat, my wife leaves me, i have a heart attack, lose my job etc etc.

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