My Opinion

Spin is manipulative and bad.


I wish you had given some details as to why you think it's bad and manipulative.

I can't see that, maybe I'm missing something ?


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May 23, 2010
I do not think it is manipulative nor is it bad
by: Anonymous

Unless you just think that all sales is manipulative and bad, then to say that SPIN is manipulative and bad is absoulutely incorrect. It is a process of finding the needs of a prospect through proper questioning, and adapting your products or services features to their benefit. It is a conversation. If were were speaking about your need for a new air conditioning system, for instance, we would talk about the features you are looking for and why those are important to you. If I were selling that type of product, and had none of the features you were looking for, then our conversation would end. But, if my product had some of those features, and didn't fall too short of your expectations, then perhaps we could come to an agreement. How could this be manipulative or bad? It is just a conversation.

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