How long should I present for?

by sary farid
(egypt (cairo))

the maximum time for presentation?and hoe to interactive the customer in the presentation?

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Aug 02, 2019

by: Greg

Hi Sary,

it's not about how long you present.
It's about how long you are welcome or how long they are interested.

The amount of time you should be having a dialogue with your prospect (note ... it's a dialogue, not a monologue ... and a presentation is a monologue) is dependent upon the reaction you are getting. If they are falling asleep, that's a bad sign. If they are looking at their watch, bad sign. If they yawn, bad sign. If there attention is not on you or your brochure or your product, bad sign.

If you really watch your prospect you'll know when it's time to leave. And, you'll also know when to keep talking and asking questions. How fast is there speech, rapid often means they are more involved. Are they sitting forward in their seat, that's a good sign. Are they picking up your product or looking over your brochure, good sign. Are they asking a lot of questions, good sign.

If you want the prospect to interact with you ... ask a lot of questions and focus on what's important to them. It's as simple as that and harder than you think

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