Emotional Close and Effective Follow Up

by Lisa

How to use emotion to close the sale of signing up a new representative or with a customer purchasing the product. I want to learn how to get long term leaders and customers. I would also like to learn how to follow up effectively with my customers without "bugging" them.

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Jul 31, 2019

by: Greg

Hi Lisa,

some sales trainers would argue that every sales close is an emotional one. That every buyer decides to buy for emotional reasons and then justifies that decision with logic.

Emotion is derived from the word motion. E-motion. So it's about moving people. No better way to move people than to give them something they want or help them avoid something they don't want.

And that process is about finding what's valuable to THEM. The old WIIFM = What's in it for Me.

So, the question becomes how do you find out what they value ?

The short answer is, you ask.
And I believe you should ask a certain way.
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to find out what they want.

In terms of follow up. I never felt I was "bugging" them because I always got a commitment from them about an agreed follow-up date.

While in the initial meeting I'd ask questions like: "When do you think your lab will be finished the evaluation?" How long do you think before you'll know the outcome of the factory trial?" Hopefully, you're not following up on things like "What did your colleague think about our offer?" or "Did you have time to discuss it with your business partner?" Because that would indicate you may not have done your best job in the sales meeting.

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