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YourSalesSuccess, Issue #011 -- SPIN selling
July 22, 2003

YourSalesSuccess e-Zine # 11 – SPIN Selling - a biweekly newsletter series on sales.

If you wish to subscribe to this newsletter ( and you have not already done so ) please go to the subscription page by clicking here. When you subscribe you'll receive a FREE report on how to make 2003 your best year ever.

( You'll need Acrobat Reader to read this report )

Before I get into this issue of YourSalesSuccess I'd like to advise that I'll be improving the format of this newsletter. To make this happen I'll need you to resubscribe. Sometime in the next few days, you'll be receiving an email. To resubscribe all you'll need to do is reply to the email.

I apologise if this causes any inconvenience.

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People do not buy from salespeople because they understand their products but because they felt the salesperson understood their problems !


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SPIN Selling was the brainchild of Neil Rackham who authored a book of the same name in 1988. The book has sold over 150,000 copies and many Fortune 500 companies use the SPIN sales model.

The model came from the analysis of 35,000 sales calls. Basically, Rackham and his colleagues found that successful sales people asked more questions and that certain types of questions were more likely to lead to a successful sale.

SPIN Selling proposes there are four types of questions, thus SPIN stands for :

Situation ( questions )
Problem ( questions )
Implication ( questions )
Need-payoff ( questions )

The first students trained in the "SPIN" model showed an average of 17% improvement in sales results.

For a more detailed review please click here

Here's to YourSalesSuccess.

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If you wish to subscribe to this newsletter please go to the subscription page on my website by clicking here. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

- Free Report -

"How to make 2003 your best year ever"

To receive this free report all you need to do is subscribe to this eZine.

( You?ll need Acrobat Reader to read this report )

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My name is Greg Woodley. I have been a successful salesman for 23 years and would like to help other people achieve a successful sales life.

After retiring from full-time work I decided to devote my time to helping other salespeople achieve their desires.

So, I have been studying coaching and training techniques to ensure I can help you attain YourSalesSuccess.

If you want to discuss a coaching relationship please contact me via the following link and we can arrange a free complimentary session or perhaps you would like to check out some of my thoughts at my website Regards Greg

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